Thursday, August 18, 2011


Be quick in doing

what's admirable.

Restrain your mind

from what's evil.

When you're slow

in making merit,

evil delights the mind.

If a person does evil,

he shouldn't do it again and again,

shouldn't develop a penchant for it.

To accumulate evil

brings pain.

If a person makes merit,

he should do it again and again,

should develop a penchant for it.

To accumulate merit

brings ease.

Even the evil

meet with good fortune

as long as their evil

has yet to mature.

But when it's matured

that's when they meet

with evil.

Even the good

meet with bad fortune

as long as their good

has yet to mature.

But when it's matured

that's when they meet

with good fortune.

Don't underestimate evil

('It won't amount to much').

A water jar fills,

even with water

falling in drops.

With evil — even if




habitually —

the fool fills himself full.

Don't underestimate merit

('It won't amount to much').

A water jar fills,

even with water

falling in drops.

With merit — even if




habitually —

the enlightened one fills himself full.

Like a merchant with a small

but well-laden caravan

— a dangerous road,

like a person who loves life

— a poison,

one should avoid

— evil deeds.

If there's no wound on the hand,

that hand can hold poison.

Poison won't penetrate

where there's no wound.

There's no evil

for those who don't do it.


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