Sunday, January 3, 2016

Two kinds of sorrow and joy

There are two kinds of sorrow and two kinds of joy. When a man broods over the misfortunes that have come upon him, when he cowers in a corner and despairs of help-   that is a bad kind of sorrow, concerning which it is said; 'The Divine Presence does not dwell in a place of dejection.' The other kind is the honest grief of a person who knows what he lacks. The same is true of joy. He who is devoid of inner substance and, in the midst of his empty pleasures, does not feel it, nor tries to fill his lack, is a fool. But he who is truly joyful is like a man whose house is burned down, who feels his need deep in his soul and begins to build anew. Over every stone that is laid, his heart rejoices.


Danger is more than imaginary

Imagine that you are in the middle of the sea, with a storm raging to the very heart of the heavens. You are hanging on by a hairbreadth, not knowing what to do. You do not even have time to cry out. You can only lift your eyes and heart to God.

You should always lift your heart to God like this. Seclude yourself and cry out to God. The danger is more than imaginary. As you know deep down in your soul, every man is in great danger in this world.

Understand these words well.