What is it which saves?
How can man be led to be truly
man ? Is the ultimate root of his being
responsibility, —yes or no ? And is doing
or knowing the right, acting or thinking,
his ultimate end ?
If science does not produce
love it is insufficient. Now, all that
science gives is the amor intellectualis of
Spinoza, light without warmth, a resignation
which is contemplative and grandiose,
but inhuman, because it is scarcely transmissible
and remains a privilege, one of the
rarest of all. Moral love places the centre
of the individual in the centre of being. It
has at least salvation in principle, the germ
of eternal life. To love is virtually to know ;
to know is not virtually to love ; there you
have the relation of these two modes of
man. The redemption wrought by science
or by intellectual love is then inferior to
the redemption wrought by will or by moral
love. The first may free a man from himself,
it may enfranchise him from egotism.
The second drives the ego out of itself,
makes it active and fruitful. The one is
critical, purifying, negative ; the other is
vivifying, fertilising, positive. Science,
however spiritual and substantial it may be
in itself, is still formal relatively to love.
Moral force is then the vital point.
And this force is only produced by moral
force. Like alone acts upon like. Therefore
do not amend by reasoning, but by example
; approach feeling by feeling ; do not
hope to excite love except by love. Be what
you wish others to become. Let your self
and not your words preach for you.
Henri Amiel
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