Friday, January 7, 2011

Dostoevsky writes to his brother

The Peter and Paul Fortress,
December 22, 1849.


Nevsky Prospect, opposite

in the house of Neslind.

Brother, my precious friend ! all is settled ! I

am sentenced to four years' hard labour in the

fortress (I believe, of Orenburg) and after that to

serve as a private. To-day, the 22nd of December,

we were taken to the Semionov Drill Ground.

There the sentence of death was read to all of us, we

were told to kiss the Cross, our swords were broken

over our heads, and our last toilet was made (white

shirts). Then three were tied to the pillar for

execution. I was the sixth. Three at a time were

called out ; consequently, I was in the second batch

and no more than a minute was left me to live.

I remembered you, brother, and all yours ; during

the last minute you, you alone, were in my mind,

only then I realised how I love you, dear brother

mine ! I also managed to embrace Plescheyev and

Durov who stood close to me and to say good-bye

to them. Finally the retreat was sounded, and

those tied to the pillar were led back, and it was

announced to us that His Imperial Majesty granted

us our lives. Then followed the present sentences.

Palm alone has been pardoned, and returns with

his old rank to the army.

I was just told, dear brother, that to-day or

to-morrow we are to be sent off. I asked to see you.

But I was told that this was impossible ; I may

only write you this letter : make haste and give

me a reply as soon as you can. I am afraid that

you may somehow have got to know of our death-

sentence. From the windows of the prison-van,

when we were taken to the Semionov Drill Ground,

I saw a multitude of people ; perhaps the news

reached you, and you suffered for me. Now you

will be easier on my account. Brother ! I have

not become downhearted or low-spirited. Life is

everywhere life, life in ourselves, not in what is

outside us. There will be people near me, and to

be a man among people and remain a man for ever,

not to be downhearted nor to fall in whatever

misfortunes may befall me - this is life ; this is

the task of life. I have realised this. This idea

has entered into my flesh and into my blood. Yes,

it 's true ! The head which was creating, living

with the highest life of art, which had realised and

grown used to the highest needs of the spirit, that

head has already been cut off from my shoulders.

There remain the memory and the images created

but not yet incarnated by me. They will lacerate

me, it is true ! But there remains in me my heart

and the same flesh and blood which can also love,

and suffer, and desire, and remember, and this,

after all, is life. On voit le soleil ! Now, good-bye,

brother ! Don't grieve for me !

Now about material things : my books (I have

the Bible still) and several sheets of my manu-

script, the rough plan of the play and the novel

(and the finished story A Child's Tale) have been

taken away from me, and in all probability will

be got by you. I also leave my overcoat and old

clothes, if you send to fetch them. Now, brother,

I may perhaps have to march a long distance.

Money is needed. My dear brother, when you

receive this letter, and if there is any possibility of

getting some money, send it me at once. Money I

need now more than air (for one particular purpose).

Send me also a few lines. Then if the money from

Moscow comes,  remember me and do not desert

me. Well, that is all ! I have debts,  but what

can I do ?

Kiss your wife and children. Remind them of

me continually ; see that they do not forget me.

Perhaps, we shall yet meet some time ! Brother,

take care of yourself and of your family, live

quietly and carefully. Think of the future of your

children. . . . Live positively. There has never

yet been working in me such a healthy abundance

of spiritual life as now. But will my body endure ?

I do not know. I am going away sick, I suffer

from scrofula. But never mind ! Brother, I have

already gone through so much in life that now

hardly anything can frighten me. Let come what

may ! At the first opportunity I shall let you know

about myself. Give the Maikovs my farewell and

last greetings. Tell them that I thank them all

for their constant interest in my fate. Say a few

words for me, as warm as possible, as your heart

will prompt you, to Eugenia Petrovna. 1 I wish

her much happiness, and shall ever remember her

with grateful respect. Press the hands of Nikolay

Apollonovich and Apollon Maikov, and also of all

the others. Find Yanovsky. Press his hand,

thank him. Finally, press the hands of all who

have not forgotten me. And those who have

forgotten me  remember me to them also. Kiss

our brother Kolya. Write a letter to our brother

Andrey and let him know about me. Write also

to Uncle and Aunt. This I ask you in my own

name, and greet them for me. Write to our sisters :

I wish them happiness.

And maybe, we shall meet again some time,

brother ! Take care of yourself, go on living, for

the love of God, until we meet. Perhaps some

time we shall embrace each other and recall our

youth, our golden time that was, our youth

and our hopes, which at this very instant I am

tearing out from my heart with my blood, to bury


Can it indeed be that I shall never take a pen

into my hands ? I think that after the four years

there may be a possibility. I shall send you every-

thing that I may write, if I write anything, my

God ! How many imaginations, lived through by

me, created by me anew, will perish, will be ex-

tinguished in my brain or will be spilt as poison in

my blood ! Yes, if I am not allowed to write, I

shall perish. Better fifteen years of prison with a

pen in my hands !

Write to me more often, write more details,

more, more facts. In every letter write about all

kinds of family details, of trifles, don't forget.

This will give me hope and life. If you knew

how your letters revived me here in the fortress.

These last two months and a half, when it was

forbidden to write or receive a letter, have been

very hard on me. I was ill. The fact that you

did not send me money now and then worried me

on your account ; it meant you yourself were in

great need ! Kiss the children once again ; their

lovely little faces do not leave my mind. Ah,

that they may be happy ! Be happy yourself too,

brother, be happy !

But do not grieve, for the love of God, do not

grieve for me ! Do believe that I am not down-

hearted, do remember that hope has not deserted

me. In four years there will be a mitigation of

my fate. I shall be a private soldier, — no longer

a prisoner, and remember that some time I shall

embrace you. I was to-day in the grip of death for

three-quarters of an hour ; I have lived it through

with that idea ; I was at the last instant and now

I live again !

If any one has bad memories of me, if I have

quarrelled with any one, if I have created in

any one an unpleasant impression — tell them they

should forget it, if you manage to meet them. There

is no gall or spite in my soul ; I should dearly love

to embrace any one of my former friends at this

moment. It is a comfort, I experienced it to-day

when saying good-bye to my dear ones before death.

I thought at that moment that the news of the

execution would kill you. But now be easy, I am

still alive and shall live in the future with the

thought that some time I shall embrace you. Only

this is now in my mind.

What are you doing ? What have you been

thinking to-day ? Do you know about us ? How

cold it was to-day !

Ah, if only my letter reaches you soon. Other-

wise I shall be for four months without news of

you. I saw the envelopes in which you sent money

during the last two months ; the address was

written in your hand, and I was glad that you were


When I look back at the past and think how

much time has been wasted in vain, how much

time was lost in delusions, in errors, in idleness, in

ignorance of how to live, how I did not value time,

how often I sinned against my heart and spirit,

— my heart bleeds. Life is a gift, life is happiness,

each minute might have been an age of happiness.

Si jeunesse savait ! Now, changing my life, I am

being reborn into a new form. Brother ! I swear

to you that I shall not lose hope, and shall preserve

my spirit and heart in purity. I shall be reborn

to a better thing. That is my whole hope, my whole

comfort !

The life in prison has already sufficiently killed

in me the demands of the flesh which were not

wholly pure ; I took little heed of myself before.

Now privations are nothing to me, and, therefore,

do not fear that any material hardship will kill me.

This cannot be ! Ah ! To have health !

Good-bye, good-bye, my brother ! When shall

I write you again ? You will receive from me as

detailed an account as possible of my journey.

If I can only preserve my health, then everything

will be right !

Well, good-bye, good-bye, brother ! I embrace

you closely, I kiss you closely. Remember me

without pain in your heart. Do not grieve, I pray

you, do not grieve for me ! In the next letter I

shall tell you how I go on. Remember then what

I have told you : plan out your life, do not

waste it, arrange your destiny, think of your

children. Oh, to see you, to see you ! Good-bye !

Now I tear myself away from everything that was

dear ; it is painful to leave it ! It is painful to

break oneself in two, to cut the heart in two.

Good-bye ! Good-bye ! But I shall see you, I

am convinced , I hope ; do not change, love me,

do not let your memory grow cold, and the thought

of your love will be the best part of my life. Good-

bye, good-bye, once more ! Good-bye to all !

Your brother Fiodor Dostoevsky.

At my arrest several books were taken away

from me. Only two of them were prohibited books.

Won't you get the rest for yourself ? But there is

this request : one of the books was The Work of

Valerian Maikov : his critical essays  Eugenia

Petrovna's copy. It was her treasure, and she

lent it me. At my arrest I asked the police officer

to return that book to her, and gave him the

address. I do not know if he returned it to her.

Make enquiries ! I do not want to take this memory

away from her. Good-bye, good-bye, once more !

Your F. Dostoevsky.

On the margins :

I do not know if I shall have to march or go on

horses. I believe I shall go on horses. Perhaps !

Once again press Emily Fiodorovna's hand, kiss

the little ones. Remember me to Krayevsky :

perhaps . . .

Write me more particularly about your arrest,

confinement, and liberation

Gryazny Street

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