If it is really so that there is something in life that has or can have such power over a person that it little by little makes him forget everything that is noble and sacred and makes him a slave in the service of the world, of the moment; if it is really so that time has or can gain such power over a person that while it adds days to his life it also every passing day measures the greater distance of his life from the divine, until he, trapped in everydayness and habit, becomes alienated from the eternal and the original; if experience has taught us that this has also happend to someone who once had a strong sense of the pesence of the eternal-- then it certainly would be beneficial to recommend every means against this ... God be praised , there are many means, just as the dangers are many . One such means is resolution, because resolution joins a person with the eternal, brings the eternal into time for him , jars him out of the drowsiness of uniformity, breaks the spell of habit, cuts off the tedious bickering of troublesome thoughts, and pronounces a benediction upon even the weakest beginning, when it is indeed a beginning.
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