The sword [of spiritual protection] is in the armory of the saints;
For you, meeting them is the alchemical elixir.
All of the wise ones have said this same thing: the wise man is "a mercy to all the worlds."
If you buy a pomegranate, buy it laughing (and open-mouthed) so that its laughing may give information about (the state of its) seeds.
Oh (how) blessed is its laughter, since it is showing (its) heart by means of (its) mouth, like the pearl [of the soul] from the (open) box of the spirit.
The laughter of the tulip was not blessed, since the blackness of (its) heart was revealed by its mouth.
The laughing pomegranate makes the (entire) garden laughing; (likewise,) companionship with (spiritual) men makes you (one) of (such) men.
Even if you are a hard rock or marble, if you come to (the presence of) a lord of the heart, you will become a jewel.
Put love for the pure ones into the midst of (your) spirit.
Don't give (your) heart (to anyone) except in love for those (who have) joyous hearts.
Don't go (into) the lane of hopelessness, (for) there are (still) hopes.
(And) don't go (in) the direction of darkness, (for) there are (still) suns [to rise].
The heart draws you into the lane of the people of heart, the body draws you into the prison of water and clay.
Take care, (and) give food for (your) heart from [the company of] a sympathetic friend.
Go (and) seek coming near [to the goal] from one who is advancing first."
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